Exploring Costa Rica .:. Hotels and Lodging in South Pacific, Costa Rica - Information about Cristal Ballena Hotel




Exploring Costa Rica .:. Hotels and Lodging in South Pacific, Costa Rica - Information about Cristal Ballena Hotel

From Costa Rica: (506) 2771-4582 From U.S.A: 1(650)499-4526 Skype: selva.mar

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Recomended Packages and tours

Rainforest Trek

Rainforest Trek

Rainforest Trek - 5 days / 4 nights


Mostly tropical wet forest, also tropical premontane wet and rain forests; associations include marsh, mangrove and swamp forests, alluvial plains forest, cloud forest.

Canopy Valle del General

Canopy Valle del General



For adventure and adrenaline lovers!

Tropical Plantation Tour CATIE

Tropical Plantation Tour CATIE

Visit Tropical Agricultural Research and


The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) is one of the worldÃÃÃÆ

Exploring Costa Rica is a registered company of Selva Mar Tour Operator 2025.
Desarrollo / Programación